Students & Families

Schools are incredibly important institutions in young people’s lives—but schools don’t always respect students' rights.

What You May Be Facing

  • Bullying and Harassment 

  • Discrimination Based on Race, LBGTQ+ Identity, Disability, or Other Protected Status

  • Suspension or Expulsion  

  • Problems Accessing Special Education Services

  • Restrictions on Speech and Expression

How I Help

I help families understand their students’ rights at school, and act to enforce those rights if they are violated. Depending on the situation, this might take the form of guidance and consultation, informal advocacy, a formal complaint process, or even a lawsuit in state or federal court.

Why This Is Important

The law offers some very meaningful protections to students, but it can be challenging to know what your rights are and the process to enforce them without experienced guidance. I will help you navigate these processes and fight for the education your child deserves.

Fee Information

Depending on the nature of the work you are looking for and your financial circumstances, I offer three types of fee arrangements.

Standard Retainer and Hourly Fee, with Optional Payment Plan:

For the majority of my clients, I bill a standard hourly fee, which typically increases by a small amount every year. I ask for an advance fee to cover the first 5 to 10 hours of work. I then bill monthly for additional hours of work not covered by the advance fee. I bill on the first business day of the month and payment is due in 14 days. For those wanting to spread out payments over time, I offer a payment plan option which allows you to set up automatic monthly payments capped at 10% of your monthly income. If you are interested in the payment plan option, I will ask for proof of income and for a credit, debit, or bank account number to set up the automatic monthly payments. Contact me for information about my current hourly rate.

Sliding Scale and Payment Plan for Lower-Income Clients:

If your family income qualifies your students for free or reduced price school lunch under the current income eligibility guidelines, I offer a 33% discount on my hourly rate. I also offer a payment plan option so you can pay your bill over time through monthly payments that are capped at 5% of your monthly income. If you are interested in using this option, I will ask you to provide documentation of your free/reduced lunch eligibility. You will also need to provide a credit, debit, or bank account number to set up the automatic monthly payments.

Contingency and Fee-Shifting Cases:

Certain types of cases raise the possibility of recovering money from the other side. In those sorts of cases, I sometimes enter agreements where I work for no charge or at a significantly reduced rate on the understanding that if my legal work results in money for the client, I will be paid from those funds at my full hourly rate, with an additional bonus amount to compensate me for the risk I took on to pursue the case. Contingency cases are risky! When I take a contingency case, I am putting my time, money, effort, emotional investment, and professional reputation on the line. Therefore, before I agree to take a case on contingency, I will investigate and evaluate the case—a process that includes obtaining and reviewing records, meeting with potential witnesses, and learning about my clients’ backgrounds and financial circumstances.

Use the link below to request a free 15-minute intake phone call. We’ll discuss what kind of help you’re seeking and the fee arrangement that’s right for you.


Field Guide to WI School Policy

People who understand what policy is required and how policy is made are better able to envision and advocate for the approaches that will best serve their communities and their kids.